I'm proud to say that my niche as a designer has become female-owned small (to start!) businesses. Like myself, so many women find that having a family and working for someone else just... don't mix. Chantal is one such client, now setting out on her own in the world of executive coaching. We worked together to narrow down her list of name options to one (great) name, and away we went from there! Her brand is clean and professional with a bit of an edge to help her stand out from the crowd of competitors, which tend to lean either super corporate, or a little "woo woo", if you know what I mean.
The site is simple and functional, focusing on her philosophy and fantastic testimonials. I used a new Squarespace template for this one, Hatch, and just loved it. Very flexible, with expansive design options and elegant bones.
And she's off to to the races!