One of the best things about this gig is that I never know when an email is going to roll into my inbox and present new work – it's always a surprise, mostly pleasant. That is definitely the category that a note from my friend and former Williams-Sonoma compatriot fell into. Jen is a talented writer and editor who is currently living the American dream – that is, quitting her corporate job and moving down to Baja to live in a trailer, write, and own a Big Lebowski-inspired bar where Twister is played on the regular. What? I want to go there.
So The Little Lebowski Lounge was in need of a logo and I was more than happy to oblige. There's no shortage of amazing visual references when it comes to The Big Lebowski – bowling alleys, ransom notes, neon, cocktails, grandpa sweaters and The Jesus, to name a few. Also, a totally a valid excuse to use the typeface Mesquite, and come on, that's rare. I could have spent weeks, but it was a quick job (that's not quite over – they've narrowed it down to two) – and sometimes those are the best. The Dude wouldn't approve of overthinking it.