So it sounds like we’re thinking of working together – that’s awesome news! An informed client is a happy client, in my experience, so here’s the general flow of my process. Please don’t hesitate to drop me a line with questions that aren’t covered here.
We’ve probably already done this, but this is where I get to know you and what you’re up to, and you learn a bit about my background in design and how I work.
We probably talked about this on our call, but I create Squarespace-based websites.
Why do I love Squarespace? A few reasons – first, they prioritize design at every turn, with beautiful template options and baked-in design best practices. Basically, if you can’t do it in Squarespace, you shouldn’t really be doing it. Second, it allows me to create a gorgeous website, then hand the keys over for you to manage its day-to-day operation, blog, etc. (though I can stay on and manage it if you prefer). Third, and best of all, it is a stable but ever-evolving, up-to-date platform with rock star customer service. Added bonus – I’m a member of Squarespace Circle, Squarespace’s professional organization, and as such you get 20% off your first year of hosting. Nice!
Sound good? Let’s learn more about your website needs.
Once I have your responses to the above questionnaire(s), I’ll create an estimate that covers the scope of work that we’ve discussed, and also describes the order that I’ll work on it and the overall timeline.
If that all looks good, I’ll send a contract that summarizes everything we’ve discussed along with all of the nitty gritty details. Once that’s signed, we’re off to the races.
I’ll start by generating design direction options including but not limited to color palettes, typefaces, site templates, photography and illustration styles. Your prompt and clear feedback on these design direction goes a long toward making sure the final design implementation flows smoothly.
Once we’re solidly on an aesthetic path that everyone feels great about, I’ll proceed with additional rounds of finished design. You’ll continue to give clear and prompt feedback so we can move forward within our agreed-upon timeline. When those rounds conclude and everyone is happy with the finished design, I’ll submit final artwork or we’ll go live with your website, depending upon the project type.